Monday 19 November 2018

Legislation and Sanctions

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Legislation and Sanctions
The following Acts of Barbados will be adhered to and used as guidelines.  Parents and children should familiarize themselves and be guided accordingly with:
The Computer Misuse Act 2005
The Protection of Children Act 1990
Users must comply with all software requirements. Kindly refrain from copying software from or by using the school’s computers.

The misuse of the internet may result in disciplinary action depending on the severity of the infraction as determined by the school’s management team. Disciplinary action can take the form of verbal warnings, written warnings, withdrawal of access privileges and suspension. The school reserves the right to report illegal activities to the authorities.


  1. It is good that the legislation was included.

  2. I agree with Jolie's comment.
    Those two Acts are very relavent.


Example of Permission Form for Acceptable Use Policy for parents

Permission Form for Acceptable Use Policy for parents Name of Student ______________________ I__________________ the parent/legal g...